Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Forest Canopy Shawl

Okay, enough complaining about going round and round on my Green Gable sweater.  I decided I needed a diversion from "in the round."  So I've decided to cast on my Forest Canopy Shawl....which, to me is the extreme opposite of something as boring as stockinette.  I have to follow a seven row repeat and as you can see, it is turning out quite nicely.  I love the challenge of following a lace pattern.   But it is definitely not a conversational knit, at least for me.  All of the comments on Ravelry say it's an easy pattern to memorize.  I've only done one repeat and I don't feel at all close to being in the memory mode yet.  But I'm thinking it will come.  For now, I would rather follow the pattern row by row than to do any ripping out.  Lace work is not fun to rip.  Ravelry knitters also said this was a great first lace project and they were right.  I am really enjoying the change of pace. 

The yarn I bought for this shawl is a little heavier than what I wanted but I am liking the stitch definition.  It is called Catalina and it's 60% baby alpaca and 40% pima cotton.  I chose a nice natural color so that it will go with any dress I might want to wear with it.  It will also be a nice piece to share with my girls - Jen, Diana and Meagan in case they need a beautiful shawl to wear to a wedding reception.   It would be perfect!  Any weddings coming up??? 


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